After you've given birth you have the realisation that you have a baby to look after. Even though I was a Midwife I found this part a much more scary prospect than the labour itself. You may have had little or no experience of caring for a newborn and, suddenly, you're released from hospital and told to go home and care for this most precious little bundle. It can seem incredibly daunting to suddenly be in complete charge of a mini human.
Most of you are probably well-prepared for having the baby at home with the cosy new cot, sparkly new pushchair and accessories but often we forget what to take with us when we go out and about with a newborn or even leave the hospital for the first time. Initially it will take you longer than it's ever taken you before to get out of the house. So here are my top 10 tips on what should be in your baby bag to speed up the process of getting you out of the house with a newborn. It really is amazing what a bit of fresh air can do!
Top Tips for first time mums taking out baby
Find out more at www.huggieswipes.co.uk
Source : Female First
Top Tips for first time mums taking out baby
- Nappies - don't ever be caught short without nappies when you're out. It can end up extremely messy.
- Wipes - HUGGIES Style on the Go pouches are the most stylish way for mums and dads to keep wipes close to hand whether at home or out and about. The refills are made with natural absorbent fibres for healthy skin and gentle cleaning on the go and are free from perfume, alcohol, parabens and phenoxyethanol.
- A spare change of baby's clothes.
- A portable changing mat.
- Some water and sacks for you. You can get very thirsty and peckish, especially if you're breastfeeding.
- Breast pads if you're breastfeeding.
- Bottles and cartons of formula if you're formula feeding.
- Muslin clothes.
- A couple of baby toys in case your little one needs distracting.
- Reading material; when they're newborns they usually sleep a fair amount. Getting out, grabbing a coffee and having a read of a magazine can be a nice way to de-stress.
- I'm going to assume you remember to take your phone and purse with you like you would have done before baby. It's probably best I mention it here as I'm all too aware of how bad baby brain is!
Find out more at www.huggieswipes.co.uk
Source : Female First