Advice for Planning your Kitchen Remodel Around the Holidays

It's a funny thing, but the word "holiday" comes up a lot in design meetings this time of year. And no, this is not another Christmas in July concept, the holidays or holiday planning is honestly on the minds of a lot of people. For most the kids going back to school is the unofficial kick-off to Fall and Fall is the unofficially kick-off to the holidays. First comes Halloween followed by Thanksgiving and then Hanukkah/Christmas and New Years finish off the season. With all of these events come parties, gatherings and people, lots and lots of people in and out of the home. And it is this fact that has people excited and anxious to get started on their kitchen renovations as soon as possible to ensure their house is in tip top shape for the "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year." 

So, if renovating your kitchen is on the to-do list this fall, I'm here to give you some advice. While getting started in August or September sounds like one would have plenty of time to get a project planned, executed and completed before the holidays, the truth is three to four months can be a really tight timeline.
Here are a few things to consider:


The Luxury of Time and Consideration:

For most people renovating a kitchen is a once or twice in a lifetime occurrence and one that they want to get right in it's entirety the first time. Not only can renovations be invasive to your life as your home is quite literally torn a part and then put together again, but they can be overwhelming and expensive. With all of that being said it is my sincere opinion that an experience of this magnitude should not be rushed. There are a lot of decisions to be made and options to consider and I can tell you from my own personal experience renovating my kitchen, the more rushed you are, the harder it is to feel confident about the decisions you make. There really is something to be said for ample time to really think through each detail to ensure the decisions you make today will be decisions that make you happy long down the road.


Renovations are Unpredictable:

The speed at which a renovation gets rolling and completed depends on SO many outside factors. Assuming you, as the homeowner have done your part and made all of the decisions and selections there are still so many outside factors that can cause the project to go off track.  To start, renovations in and of themselves can be unpredictable. Often times there are issues and complications that are hard to predict or account for until the kitchen is ripped apart and the bones of the space exposed. In addition there are many factors such as materials and tradesmen that are integral to the completion of the project but can be very unpredictable  and unfortunately often times there is literally nothing you can do about it. At the end of the day when tasks are executed and items show up is completely up in the air and that pill, while always frustrating is a lot easier to swallow when you don't have a major deadline looming. 


A Bad Time for Stress:

Nothing can suck the merry out of the holiday season like having a house full of guests lined up to stay at your house and experience your newly renovated kitchen while having an actual kitchen turned job site far from being show-off ready. The holidays can be a busy and stressful time for most people, including business' that will directly affect your remodel - contractors, cabinetry suppliers, countertop fabricators, appliance installers, etc...So to avoid as many surprises as possible be up front with your crew and ask about their lead times and for their honest feedback regarding the reality of your job, or their part in it, being able to be done within the time frame you have in mind. If you get any red flags....hold off. 

So, bottom line? Unless you have been getting your ducks in a row and are completely ready to pull the trigger on the renovation by September 1st, I would hold off until after the holidays. Take your time, enjoy the process and look forward to the many years you will have to enjoy your space, even if this year isn't one of them. 


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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: Advice for Planning your Kitchen Remodel Around the Holidays
Advice for Planning your Kitchen Remodel Around the Holidays
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