Liberated, Not Lonely

I’m single. That simple phase can be said with all of the confidence in the world or with shame like someone who feels like they’re wearing a gigantic scarlet “S” on their forehead.

Whether you are newly single or have been living the life for a while, there can be strong emotions when it comes to this relationship status. As with anything, you will have good days and bad days, but singlehood should not be treated like a prison sentence. Take time to reflect on your situation and realize that you have so much, if not more, opportunity and freedom than your paired or married friends. Read on to find out aspects of the life you may be overlooking and see what you can incorporate into your life.

Own It

Yes, you are alone in the sense that you are not romantically involved with anyone, but that doesn’t mean its time to wallow in self pity and binge eat Haagen-Dazs. Being single is as much of a choice as being in a relationship or married. So the next time a family member says, ‘when are you going to get married?’ Tell them that you’re busy living your life to the fullest. The single and confidant woman isn’t looking to settle with just anyone, she has high standards. Your life as a single person is perfect for embarking on a new journey or opportunity. Think of the freedom you have without having to consider someone else’s schedule. Adventure could be around the next corner.

Be The Best You

Single and confidant women take care of themselves. I don’t necessarily mean they live in the gym and buy kale by the carton, but rather they do what is best for them mentally and physically. They treat their body and spirit well and they do it for themselves, not someone else. And speaking of the body, do not get hung up on silly numbers on a scale or a tag. Those are not indicators of your worth in the world nor should they be contingent on your happiness. IF you feel like you would like to make a physical change, you must also agree to love yourself at the beginning of your journey and not just at the end. It is with that body that you are making a transformation, so be grateful with the place your are at and for the place you are going. Moreover, if you are kind to yourself, your body will show you what it wants look like when its happy
and healthy.

Make Personal Goals

This is such an overlooked aspect of being single. The world is literally at your fingertips and you can do just about anything. Make some goals! Plan a vacation. Learn how to cook a foreign cuisine. Read! Schedule out time for meditation. Sign up to volunteer somewhere. Actually hang your laundry in the closet instead of searching through the three baskets on the floor. I will only say positive things about my body for one week. These activities and more are great things to work towards. You can make these goals as big or as small as you’d like, there are really no limitations. You are able to better yourself and continue growing by crushing goals.

Say Yes

You are a party of one so saying yes to invitations should be fairly easy. You don’t need to coordinate with your partners schedule or see if the babysitter is free. Even if something sounds weird or is outside of your normal, try it. By keeping your life open to opportunity, you are increasing your chance for adventure and networking. Single and confident women are out there! They are pursuing passions and smashing fears.

The confident single woman is already living and building the life she wants. She isn’t seeking to fill holes, no pun intended. You don’t need someone else to complete you, you are already a whole person. Adding a healthy relationship an already fulfilled life should be the metaphorical cherry on top. Of course there will be days when hearing your friend say the word ‘husband’ will cause your eye to twitch and tears threaten to fall, but just remember all of the possibility and opportunity you are poised for.

Whether singlehood is a temporary or permanent status, revel in the amount of freedom you have. Create the life you want, surround yourself with things and people that bring you love and joy, and be grateful at this time and place.

Source : By  Megan Stubbs |

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: Liberated, Not Lonely
Liberated, Not Lonely
Liberated, Not Lonely
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