The Power of Your Tribe

Let’s be honest, you aren’t going to the wine and painting night with your friends with the intention of creating the next great impressionist piece to grace the art world. You are going for the camaraderie of your girlfriends. Hidden behind the glasses of chardonnay and paintbrushes, some very important work is taking place. When we open our hearts and share joys and vulnerabilities, we are creating a bond that is quite unlike any other in existence. Consider these following benefits, and their importance, the next time you consider making time for your friends.


Give yourself permission to get away and release the tension in your life. Leave the cell phone on silent, tune out from life at home, and take advantage of being in physical proximity to your friends. While the convenience of technology has made the possibility of being connected as easy as the push of a button, nothing compares to the face-to-face eye contact you have when sharing stories. Additionally, unless this is a prearranged slumber party-esque meetup, use girlfriend time as an excuse to look and feel your best. If you’re a mom, you will likely welcome the chance to wear something nice that isn’t covered in spit-up! Not only will this boost your confidence, but it’s also another great reason that makes this event special. Women are naturally conditioned to please others, and a shift takes place when we stop leading a single life. Somehow we have become everything to everyone else but ourselves. Take back a little piece of you and remember what makes you yourself.


Where else can you truly let your freak flag fly if not with your besties? They love you for all of your idiosyncrasies, not in spite of. With the prospect of being judged by society at large for even the whiff of weakness, scandal, or not everything being sunshine and rainbows, it is all the more important to have your tribe of women to support you. You need a judgment-free zone. Relax in knowing that you don’ t have to put on airs with them. We all have hopes and fears, and creating a space for sharing of the good and the bad with no limits can be very freeing. When we open our hearts and share our vulnerabilities, we are reinforcing the bond we have with the ones closest to us.


It may be easy to talk about casual dating, but once a relationship becomes serious, the conversations surrounding sex and relationships often taper. There seems to be a stigma in our culture of talking about the inner happenings of our relationship with only our partner. Discretion is important, and there is no need to divulge secrets that would make your partner cringe, but sharing the highs and the lows of your current state of affairs with someone aside from your partner may help relieve tension and offer a different perspective on an issue. Additionally, if you have great sex stories or night moves, share your tips and tricks! On the other hand if things aren’t so great in the bedroom, share that too! Often women suffer alone and in silence when it comes to this. Are sensations different after having a baby? Is your partner experiencing a change in sex drive? Are you not feeling a connection anymore? These conversations are important, especially when sex moves from a purely carnal act to one with emotions attached. Normalizing the conversation around the ups and downs that happen in relationships is something very vital to womanhood and reaffirming your bond with your friends as well as your partner.

You need your ladies’ nights. You need to give yourself permission to pursue afternoons, nights, or whatever block of time that works for you and let it all out with your friends. It’s ok if you’ve been out of touch recently, for the resiliency of women should know no bounds. Reach out, connect, and reclaim your place with your tribe.

Source : By Megan Stubbs |

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: The Power of Your Tribe
The Power of Your Tribe
The Power of Your Tribe
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