9 Hair Dye Fails That Are Totally Hilarious

Yep, they're pretty bad.
By Sam Escobar, Good Housekeeping

[post_ads]Heading to the salon for a beautiful new color can be tons of fun, especially when your hair is impeccably styled and at its peak of perfection at the end. But what if your stylist turned you around to face the mirror and your hair was not only not what you wanted, but just plain terrible?

Not all dye jobs are created equal — sometimes, things just don't go as planned. Whether a pro stylist screws up your locks or you make a mess of your own hair during an at-home dye disaster, all you can do about is laugh.
Mustache Madness

Tired of his fine blonde beard, Ethan asked his beautician girlfriend Fifi to darken his facial hair a bit in an effort to make it look thicker (beards are hot, we get it). Unfortunately, rather than making Ethan's hair look thicker, fuller, and a little more like a mountain man's, Fifi wound up dyeing her boyfriend's skin instead and giving him the equivalent of a Magic Marker mustache — and in a goatee shape, no less."Fifi told me that it would come off, so I started scrubbing my face, it only faded a bit," he told the Daily Mail. "It didn't help that she wouldn't stop laughing." In Fifi's defense, this look is pretty hilarious. Luckily, it went away after a few days — but Fifi is probably never going to be allowed to touch Ethan's facial hair again.
Caught Pink-Handed

One fateful morning, Simon Ford decided to sneak a little of his wife's pricey shampoo, completely oblivious to one important detail: the shampoo was actually hair dye that his wife was using to tint the ends of her hair in the shower. On the bright side (hyuck hyuck), he learned his lesson about using his wife's beauty products without asking first.
Dip Dye Debacle
When this young English woman went into the salon for a glossy dip-dyed treatment in hopes of brightening up her ends, she had no idea that this is what she would be leaving with: a two-toned mess that starts nowhere near her ends. Instead of a delicate ombre dye job, she got a style more fitting of Cruella de Vil. Shockingly, while the salon corrected the colorblocked mess, she was still made to pay for the original service.
Plastic Problems

One thing that people probably learn in beauty school is that what you cover your client's hair with while you're dyeing their hair really matters. But when you dye your hair at home, you don't get that important lesson. In this woman's case, she put a plastic bag over her head and it just so happened to have her local grocery store's logo on it — which was then transferred straight onto her head, staining her hair (and giving the grocery store some free ad space).
Stubborn Stain

[post_ads]When it comes to coloring your hair at home, putting dye into your hair is the easy part — it's getting it off your skin that can be really hard, as this poor DIY dyer found out the hard way. On the bright side, there are lots of easy ways to get it off your skin, should you find yourself in this situation.
Tinge of Green

At some point in our lives, we've all decided to make a drastic change before a big day — but in this woman's case, it was the night before a business trip, yikes! A green hair part goes with a pantsuit, right?
A post shared by Caitie Rage (@caitierage) on
Ring Finger

Cheap metal rings can turn your skin green, but have you ever seen somebody's finger turn straight up purple? That's what happens when a little dye gets caught underneath your ring and it won't come off!
Dye on Dye

When you dye your hair too many times in a row, you might find yourself with a seriously confusing hair color. Luckily, a big chunk of change and 10 hours brought this dye enthusiast's hair back to blonde.

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: 9 Hair Dye Fails That Are Totally Hilarious
9 Hair Dye Fails That Are Totally Hilarious
Sometimes, things don't go quite as planned.
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