6 Ways to Hygge Your Home for Spring

By Leigh Gotzmer, The Nest

Make cozy living a year-round thing.

[post_ads]We know you've seen the word hygge more than a few times this year, usually referencing gorgeous sensory images filled with knit throws, glowing fireplaces and enamel mugs filled with hot chocolate. The trendy Danish concept of cozy contentment was Pinned all winter long, but we were excited to learn that it's not really just a wintertime idea. Hygge is actually about feeling comfort and joy in little moments, and it's something we can and should try to experience all year.

There's no need to keep yourself under the covers with a roaring fire through spring, but there are tons of other ways to create that feeling of well-being when the weather gets warmer. Think: fresh air, pretty flowers and lots of light.

Bring nature inside.

A vase of fresh flowers or a chic-ly potted fiddle leaf fig tree instantly make a room feel alive, plus having some gorgeous things blooming inside your space is a great reminder that they're sprouting outside too. And as a bonus, plants are natural air purifiers, so you get something nice to look at and cleaner air too.  

Declutter and destress.
When it's cold out we tend to hibernate inside, which means we keep tons of throws, pillows and extra stuff all around our homes. The Danish prefer streamlined, simple designs and they're onto something: Decluttering is the perfect way to reset and freshen up your space come spring. No need to go full KonMari, but getting rid of things you don't need and that don't give you joy is a surefire way to make any room (and you) feel instantly calmer.

Lighten up.

We're talking about your home, but doing this will probably lighten your mood as well. Take the time to swap out dark and heavy fabrics for bright light ones on your bed, sofa and throughout your home. Replace faux fur blankets with lighter knits, and velvet throw pillows with linen ones in fun floral patterns, or our favorite spring hue, blush. You'll be amazed at how refreshing this quick makeover can be.

Keep the candles, change the scent.
That soft glowing light is relaxing in any weather, and really, candles always make a space look more home-y. It's the perfect time of year to put away heavy food fragrances like gingerbread and apple cider in favor of soft florals like gardenia and rose, or bright, fruity notes like lemon and lychee.

Bake something pretty.

We've already talked about experiencing good vibes through smell and sight, but eating is, of course, another great way to make yourself feel seasonal and satisfied. Food is often a cornerstone of great memories, and creating something new and tasty like banana bread, lavender scones or pink champagne macarons is the perfect way to create fun moments for yourself or with friends.

Get some fresh air.

Ideally, this means you should be spending plenty of time outdoors getting in a major dose of vitamin D, but this note still applies even when you're relaxing inside. Keep your windows, doors or balcony (we wish) open whenever you can. Fresh air is soothing, and a healthy reminder that even when there's plenty to do and lots of things on our mind, there's still a whole beautiful world out there.

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: 6 Ways to Hygge Your Home for Spring
6 Ways to Hygge Your Home for Spring
Make cozy living a year-round thing.
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