By Run Healthy Lifestyle
cider vinegar has a long tradition of use for the treatment of various
health conditions. It has a lot of beneficial properties but also it can
have some very serious side effects and it can be very dangerous if
it`s combined with some types of medications. If you suffer from any of
these conditions don’t use apple cider vinegar in order to avoid
Apple cider vinegar has a long tradition of use for the treatment of various health conditions. It has a lot of beneficial properties but also it can have some very serious side effects and it can be very dangerous if it`s combined with some types of medications. If you suffer from any of these conditions don’t use apple cider vinegar in order to avoid complications.
The health benefits of apple cider vinegar
One of the most common uses of the apple cider vinegar is for weight loss. ACV reduces the appetite because it empties the stomach more gradually and makes you feel satiated for longer time not feeling the need to eat.
According to a Chinese study the consumption of ACV reduces the risk of esophageal cancer by 37%.
Apple cider vinegar can be used for the treatment of yeast infections and athlete`s foot because it has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
It is linked to some very serious conditions. Due to its acetic acid ACV reduces levels of bad cholesterol, blood pressure and reduces cancer risks.
[post_ads]Also it has anti-glycemic properties and prevents the digestion of starches which cause the blood sugar levels to increase so it can be helpful for diabetics.
Apple cider vinegar has a long tradition of use for the treatment of various health conditions. It has a lot of beneficial properties but also it can have some very serious side effects and it can be very dangerous if it`s combined with some types of medications. If you suffer from any of these conditions don’t use apple cider vinegar in order to avoid complications.
The health benefits of apple cider vinegar
One of the most common uses of the apple cider vinegar is for weight loss. ACV reduces the appetite because it empties the stomach more gradually and makes you feel satiated for longer time not feeling the need to eat.
According to a Chinese study the consumption of ACV reduces the risk of esophageal cancer by 37%.
Apple cider vinegar can be used for the treatment of yeast infections and athlete`s foot because it has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
It is linked to some very serious conditions. Due to its acetic acid ACV reduces levels of bad cholesterol, blood pressure and reduces cancer risks.
[post_ads]Also it has anti-glycemic properties and prevents the digestion of starches which cause the blood sugar levels to increase so it can be helpful for diabetics.
Don’t use apple cider vinegar if you use any of these medications!
Although the apple cider vinegar has a vast use for various medical issues you should be aware of the side effects if combined with some medications because they can be very serious.
When the apple cider vinegar interacts with some meds lowers the potassium levels in the organism.
Here is the list of medications which should not be combined with apple cider vinegar.
Digoxin or Lanoxin
This medication is used for the treatment of heart diseases. The apple cider vinegar obstructs the absorption of potassium in the organism so increases the risk of manifestation of the side effects of this medication which include vomiting, vision problems, mood swings, diarrhea and dizziness.
Diuretics – Diuril, Lasix, Microzidea and Thalitone
These medications are used for treating bloating and they stimulate the body to eliminate the accumulated liquids. The potassium keeps the balance of the water in the body and since the apple cider vinegar lowers the levels of potassium it can cause dehydration.
Insulin is a medication which is used by diabetics in order to balance the blood sugar levels in the body. According to some studies apple cider vinegar can help for the control of blood sugar levels but it should never be taken in combination with insulin because combining these two can lower the potassium and blood sugar levels extremely.
The consumption of apple cider vinegar should be with precaution Long term use of apple cider vinegar can lead to low potassium levels in the body which can lead to other health problems. For example consuming 8 oz. of apple cider vinegar every day for couple of years can cause osteoporosis.
Other groups of people who should not use apple cider vinegar
Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers
There are not enough evidence how the apple cider vinegar affects the body and the fetus during the pregnancy so it`s better to avoid taking ACV. This goes also for breastfeeding mothers because it`s not so clear how it affects the newborns.
If you suffer from any type of diabetes you should be very careful when taking apple cider vinegar. ACV can lower the levels of blood sugar so if you take any medications you should adjust them if you want to include ACV.
The potassium levels in the body can be lowered by the insulin and the apple cider vinegar. So, taking the ACV and insulin simultaneously can lower the potassium levels in the body extremely.
Postmenopausal women
Postmenopausal women are already at risk of having reduced bones density and taking high amounts of apple cider vinegar can lead to osteoporosis because it lowers the potassium levels in the body.