Not having to skimp on the details means your wedding may actually turn out like that secret Pinterest board you've been obsessing over.
When my husband and I first got engaged, we
initially toyed with the idea of having more typical nuptials, complete
with the expansive venue, the big bridal party, and 100-plus guests. As
we dug a little deeper though, we realized that maybe a large,
traditional wedding wasn’t for us. We ended up finding a perfect little
hotel in upstate New York and invited just 14 of our closest family and
friends, and haven’t regretted it once.
from the obvious benefit of saving a ton of cash on a one night affair,
here are some other reasons to consider tying the knot the tiny way.
1. It's way easier to plan.
Some people genuinely love planning their wedding but I am not one of
those people. Executing such a large event is basically a full-time job,
which can be hard when you already have a full-time job. A tiny wedding
means tinier problems, which means tinier heart palpitations when
something goes wrong. Having to think about moving 14 people inside if
it rains? Not a big deal. Two hundred people? That's a different story.
[post_ads_2]2. You can focus more on the details.
From hand-painted portraits of your guests as place cards, to
personalized welcome notes, to epic gift bags filled with a curated
selection of your most favorite locally made goods, it can be easier to
bring your vision to life when it's on a smaller scale. Not having to
skimp on the details due to budget or time constraints means your
wedding may actually turn out like that secret Pinterest board you've
been obsessing over since before you got engaged. (I see you, everyone
does it.)
3. Your guests can actually get to know each other.
is the case for many couples, my husband’s and my immediate families
live on opposite coasts in different countries (Vancouver and Maine) and
never had the opportunity to hang out pre-wedding. By removing the
obligation to socialize with hundreds of guests during our wedding
weekend, it freed up time for our families to really get to know each
other. They had breakfast together every morning, went apple picking,
and truly bonded — our moms text and email all the time now! This was
probably the most special part of having a tiny wedding for us.
4. TBH, it’s a great excuse to use for people who didn't get invited.

5. You can be totally vulnerable.
If you’re somebody who doesn’t mind being the center of attention or
can easily hold back buckets of water from behind your eyes, then go for
a big wedding. I, on the other hand, immediately started crying big
black tears (note: this is with waterproof mascara). Our best
man’s wife, who was also my makeup artist, ran up multiple times to wipe
the streaks from my face with her sleeves. In a crowd of 100-plus
people, I would have felt like I was supposed to maintain my composure,
and would have felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. But in a small group,
it was endearing and felt very much like a safe space.
6. You're less likely to get Wedding Day Amnesia.

7. You can celebrate in other ways (and keep the party going).
Just because you don't have a big wedding doesn't mean you still can’t
celebrate with your extended friends and family. In our case, we threw a
casual party at a bar for our New York friends the night after our
ceremony that was super cheap and only took a few emails to plan. Each
of our parents also generously decided to host smaller, simple
gatherings in Vancouver and Maine. We basically did a two-month wedding
tour and got to see everyone we loved in some capacity. Not having
everything over and done with in one night also means you’re less likely
to get those post-wedding blues. You can have your (wedding) cake and
eat it too.