By Charlotte Hilton Andersen, Reader's Digest
There's a biological reason why men love action movies—and women like to snuggle when they watch it.
Pub crawls
[post_ads]Thanks to their smaller size and higher body fat percentage, women are
generally affected by alcohol faster and after fewer drinks than men.
(Not to mention that too much alcohol can up women's risk of breast cancer.) But it's men's brains that are affected most by long-term drinking, according to a study
presented at the annual meeting of the European College of
Neuropsychopharmacology. Researchers found that men experienced
significant electrical and chemical changes in their brains, especially
in a key neurotransmitter that is responsible for calming and
inhibiting, that women did not. (Although both groups of heavy drinkers
showed problematic brain changes, so don't see this as permission to
binge drink, ladies!)
Pain medications
Bad news for the fairer sex: Women are far more likely to experience
chronic pain than men, and to add insult to injury (literally), they
need more pain medication to feel relief. Female brains show more neural
activity in the pain regions of the brain than male brains, which may
explain why women need twice as much morphine as men typically do,
according to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience. This is just one of the things doctors aren't telling you about the risks of pain killers.
When it comes to physical fitness men definitely have the edge, thanks
to their larger lungs and heart and their higher muscle mass. But even
though women may not be able to out-lift or out-run the men, they may
reap more health benefits from both cardiovascular exercise (like running) and high-intensity interval training sessions
(like sprinting alternated with jogging), according to two new studies.
Females showed more improvements in heart-health markers than males did
and the changes seemed to last longer. However, a third study
found that men are more likely to be physically active over the course
of their lives than women. Not much of an exerciser? It's not too late:
Try these 25 simple tricks to get into fitness.
Slot machines
Gambling used to be seen as a manly activity with women stuck in the
bingo hall or blowing on dice, but that old stereotype is no longer
true. These days men and women engage in gambling in roughly equal
numbers and are equally likely to become addicted. But the genders split when it comes to how they manifest their addiction, according to research
published in the Journal of Gambling Studies. Men are more likely to be
angry and take their feelings out on machines or other people while
women are more likely to internalize their sadness, making them at a higher risk for depression.
Air conditioning
Women aren't just being drama queens when they haul out their sweaters
in movie theaters, restaurants, and offices during the height of summer.
Ladies are legitimately chilled as they are physiologically more
sensitive to cold air, like that from aggressive air conditioning,
than men are. Women's core body temperatures are slightly higher than
men's but their extremities are colder, by about three degrees, and they
feel cold faster than men do, according to several research studies.
So men, the next time you head out to a movie with your partner share
the love—and the warmth!—by holding her hands or putting your arm around
her (not that you needed an excuse to do that!).
Paint swatches
[post_ads]The old stereotype of a woman holding up paint chips for consideration
only to have the man reply that they all look the same to him may be
more fact than fiction, according to a study
that found that male brains are less able to discriminate between
shades of colors, particularly those in the middle of the spectrum. Not
only do women see color differences better but they're also more likely
to see color at all as men are five times more likely to be partially or
fully color blind, according to a second study. Still stymied by what color to pain your walls? Use our handy guide for choosing the perfect paint colors.
Action movies
There may be another reason besides testosterone-heavy fight scenes that
make many men gravitate towards action movies—they may actually be able
to see them better. Male brains showed significantly greater
sensitivity to fine detail and a heightened ability to process rapidly
moving stimuli (two core features of action movies), according to a study
published in The Biology of Sex Differences. The researchers chalk it
up to the fact that throughout human history men were typically hunters,
so being able to spot subtle differences and track movements were
survival skills. (Although thanks to women's superior language
processing skills, they'll be able to recall the most memorable movie quotes later on when you're remembering the fun!)
Noisy neighbors
File this under depressing but true: Men are five and a half times more likely to lose their hearing than women, according to a study
done by Johns Hopkins University. Though the researchers noted that
this may not be as much from biological differences as from men being
more likely to work jobs in very noisy environments without proper
protection. The downside is that men need hearing aids more often and at
an earlier age than most women. But, hey, at least the gents can get a
solid night's sleep, unbothered by noisy neighbors or feral cats! (If noisy neighbors are an ongoing problem where you live, try this handy gadget.)
What is that smell? is a common refrain among women, much to the
amusement of their male partners. But it's not just that the men are
being manly and pretending to not be bothered by foul odors, it's that
they're less likely to actually smell them. Female brains have an
average of 43 percent more cells and almost 50 percent more neurons in
their olfactory centers (the part dedicated to smelling and odors) than
male brains do, according to a study
published in PLoS ONE. Maybe that's why the mom usually catches the
dirty diapers first? Regardless of who in your house is most sensitive
to smells, you'll all love these 11 simple home deodorizer tricks.
Moral decisions
Every day people have to make dozens of moral choices: Do you fudge the
truth about your role in a big work project or be factual? Should you
pay for the spaghetti sauce the cashier forgot to ring up or enjoy your
free dinner? Most of the time these decisions happen automatically,
based on each person's moral code. (Think you'd never make an immoral
choice? Here are some of the reasons people tell little lies all the time.)
But when it comes to moral decisions that require some sacrifice—think
torturing a terrorist to get information about a bombing plan—men are
more likely to accept harm for the sake of the greater good, says a study
published by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. To put
it bluntly, women are more worried about the means to the end, while men
are more concerned with the end result.
[post_ads]At least half of American adults will struggle with obesity at some point in their lives
and more than one-third of Americans today are obese, with 40 percent
of women and 35 percent of men having a BMI of 30 or higher. But while
more women are obese, they're less likely to suffer health consequences
from it and less likely to die earlier from it than men, according to a study
published in Obesity Reviews. This may be due to some physical
characteristics—such as the fact that women are more likely to carry
weight in less harmful places like their legs and hips while men are
more likely to carry it in the 'danger zone' around their abdomen—and
well as social traits, like the fact that women are more likely to seek
medical care than men.