15 Tricky Use Of Rubbing Alcohol

A rubbing alcohol is great for stains removal and for cleaning of skin cuts and the scrapes. But there are other ways to use it also, which will be presented in this article:

From Healthy Food Whisperer.

Eradicates dust mites and bed bugs

Just spray a mist of a rubbing alcohol on your bed. Let it for a while to dry and then vacuum it.

Stinking things

Spray a rubbing alcohol on the stinking things like shoes. Leave them afterwards to dry on a sunny place.

Fixes pressed broken eye shadow or blush shadow, and powder

Just spray a mist of a rubbing alcohol over a pressed broken blush or eye shadow or powder. Smooth it with a finger and leave to dry for several hours.

Stretch the shoes out

Spray a mist of a rubbing alcohol on and inside the shoes. Put thicker socks and then wear the shoes for a while to stretch them out.

Air freshener

Mix 10 to 15 drops of your favorite essential oil in a teacup of a rubbing alcohol. Put the mixture in a glass or plastic spray bottle and your air freshener is ready for use.

Disinfects and cleans eyeglasses

Rub the eyeglasses with a rubbing alcohol to disinfect and clean them.

Keep away the fruit flies

Spay a rubbing alcohol on the fruit if you notice some fruit flies as it will stop them to reappear.

Hand antiseptic

Mix one portion of Aloe Vera (gel) with 3 portions of a rubbing alcohol to make a hand sanitizer. You can also add some essential oils in it.

Remove the residues left from stickers

Just soak for several minutes in a rubbing alcohol the areas that have residues left from stickers. Afterwards you will easily clean them.

Cold sores

Soak cotton in a rubbing alcohol and rub the cold sores to dry them out.

Remove Earwax

Mix an equal amount of a rubbing alcohol and vinegar.  Apply it on a cotton swab and clean the ears with it to dissolve the earwax.

Treatment for Head lice

To get rid of hair lice put a rubbing alcohol on the hair, and then leave it to act for 20 minutes. Then soak a comb in a rubbing alcohol and comb the hair.


You should clean make up brushes every month. The best way to do it is to leave them to soak in a rubbing alcohol for 30 minutes. Afterwards just dry the brushes.

Soothes body aches

With a rubbing alcohol you can also relive pain because it brings blood to the skin and cools muscles. Just rub the area and it will ease the pain.

Prevents stains from sweat

You can also use a rubbing alcohol as an antiperspirant. All you have to do is to wipe the sweaty areas like armpits, knees, elbows, inner and collar.

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: 15 Tricky Use Of Rubbing Alcohol
15 Tricky Use Of Rubbing Alcohol
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