7+ Simple Cleaning Hacks That'll Make Your Home Feel Shiny And New

By Katie Dennison, Diply

I get that cleaning your home can be a tedious task that never seems to go away, but it doesn't always have to be so torturous and time-consuming!

The world of hacks is full of tips and tricks that can lend a much-needed helping hand while you're trying to keep your living space looking nice and presentable. And, lucky for you, I've compiled a small list of hacks for you to reference that'll make your place feel shiny and new. 



DIY Cloudy Glass Cleaner

Anyone who has purchased jugs, pitchers, cups, or vases from a thrift store has had to deal with cloudy glass. And depending on the size of the item's opening, it can be a pretty difficult problem to fix.

However, thanks to this awesome tip from Ask Anna, you won't have to struggle to clean cloudy glass ever again!

Simply use isopropyl alcohol (AKA rubbing alcohol) to show those clouds who's boss.


DIY Vacuum Hose Extension

Depending on the area of your home you're trying to clean, it can be a challenge getting the hose of a vacuum into slim spaces and tight corners.

If this is a problem you constantly face, this hack from The Krazy Coupon Lady is going to make your day.

All she did was attach an empty paper towel roll to the end of the vacuum nozzle, and whenever she needed to get into narrow areas like window tracks, she simply squished the sides until the cardboard tube fit.


DIY Copper Cleaner

[post_ads]Copper is super trendy right now, but what some people may not realize is how much it can tarnish over time. So, if you're planning on filling your home with copper-y goodness from a local antique shop, you're going to want to keep this cleaning tip handy.

According to the instructions given by wikiHow, you must start by adding salt and vinegar to a pot before filling it with water.

Next, place your copper item in the pot and bring the water to a boil. As the water bubbles, the tarnish should begin to disappear!


DIY Tarnish Remover For Silver

Speaking of tarnish, silver is another material that is prone to this nasty reaction. Luckily, expensive cleaning products and tools aren't necessary in order to make your silverware look shiny and new.

Mom 4 Real has a super simple way to remove tarnish from silver pieces, and it involves common household ingredients like baking soda and tinfoil.

To see the process come together from start to finish, head over to the blog.


DIY Broom Pan Hack

Sweeping isn't exactly the most exciting chore in the world, and certain parts of it can actually be really frustrating. The thing that always drives me nuts is having a bunch of the dust I collect in the broom pan fall out before I'm ready to empty it.

But thanks to this simple hack The Krazy Coupon Lady shared, that's one annoyance I no longer have to worry about.

All you have to do is run some water over your broom pan before you begin sweeping stuff into it. The water will ensure anything you collect stays put as you're cleaning!



DIY Glass Shower Door Cleaner

One of the biggest cleaning challenges we face in our home is keeping the glass shower door in our main bathroom clean and scum-free. Anyone who has ever used a glass shower knows exactly what I'm talking about.

To be honest, I had mentally prepared myself to live with a spotty shower door for the rest of my life, so you have no idea how happy I am knowing I won't have to!

The solution? Bar Keeper's Friend! To see how effective this stuff is on soap scum, check out  the how-to over on Times Union.


DIY All-Purpose Cleaning Wipes

The last thing anyone wants to do is pump their living space full of unnecessary toxins and chemicals just so it can look and feel clean. If you prefer to have complete control over the products that are used in your home, these homemade cleaning wipes by I Don't Have Time For That are going to be right up your alley.


DIY Oil Wrap

[post_ads]There's nothing worse than grabbing a bottle of oil from your pantry and ending up with a nice slippery layer of it all over your hand. To prevent this from happening, simply wrap a couple layers of thick paper towel around the bottle and secure it in place using an elastic band. Thanks for the tip, Half Crazy Mama!


DIY Wood Shine

You may not think your wood floors need a fresh shine, but once you see how much of a difference it makes, you won't be able to resist adding it to your list of must-do chores.

To give your floors the shine they deserve without buying any fancy cleaning products, look no further than this trick from The Krazy Coupon Lady.

Fill a large bucket with hot black tea and use it to mop the floors while it's still warm.

See more at: Diply

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: 7+ Simple Cleaning Hacks That'll Make Your Home Feel Shiny And New
7+ Simple Cleaning Hacks That'll Make Your Home Feel Shiny And New
I need some Bar Keeper's Friend, STAT!
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