8 Ways Parenting Is Like Dating

Sure, there's a lot less sexy underwear—and a lot more runny noses—in your life once you have kids, but it's impossible to overlook these eight ways parenting is like being in a new relationship.

By Nicole Fabian-Weber, Parenting


You get nervous when you don't hear from them.

Whether you're the parent of a teen who doesn't answer their texts or of a toddler who's way too quiet in the next room, it isn't a good feeling when you don't hear from your kid. Remember how you felt when that jerk stopped answering your calls? Not cool.


There's nothing like your first kiss.

Nothing compares to the first time your child leans over and plants one on you — on their own volition! Heaven!


One minute you're madly in love, the next you want to rip each other's hair out!

Aww, look at that, your toddler just ran over to you, threw his arms around you, and exclaimed, "I love you, Mommy!" Swoon! But then, what's this? A mere two minutes later, he's thrown himself on the floor and is saying, "I hate you!" all because the red bowl isn't clean. Make up your mind!


It feels so good to wake up next to them.

Few things are sweeter in this world than rolling over in the morning and seeing the sweet, snoozing face of your child next to you. It's the pinnacle of parenting.


You would—and do—drop anything for them.

Just like you ditched your friends a few times when you and your love first started dating (sorry!), kids always take precedence.


You want to talk about your them all the time.

Remember when you used to find ways to casually bring up the person you were dating because you were seriously smitten? Yeah, parents do that with their kids, too. It's all but impossible not to tell the story of how your 3-year-old was singing to Taylor Swift the other morning, right?! It's kind of a parenting rite of passage.


You're wrapped around their little finger.

Maybe it wasn't the healthiest of relationships, but everyone has dated someone who totally had the upper hand—kind of like your kids do.


There's no one in the world who can make you light up like them.

Go ahead, try to find someone who can put a smile on a face and a flutter in your heart like your children. Spoiler alert: it's not possible.

See more at: Parenting

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: 8 Ways Parenting Is Like Dating
8 Ways Parenting Is Like Dating
Sure, there's a lot less sexy underwear—and a lot more runny noses—in your life once you have kids, but it's impossible to overlook these eight ways parenting is like being in a new relationship.
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