There are many reasons why you may not have had a great 2018, but don’t let that detract from the possibilities and potential that 2019 can bring for you. While it may be the hardest thing in the world for you, it is possible to welcome the coming new year with a sense of hope, despite all that 2018 has thrown at you… Here’s how!
Get closure
If there’s one thing that you will need heading into the new year it’s a clean break with the trauma of the past. There may be painful memories from which you have not quite gotten closure and it’s up to you to proactively seek it. It could mean getting in touch with a wrongful death attorney if you have lost someone you love as a result of another’s negligence. It could mean getting your unresolved feelings towards an ex written down in a letter (even if you never post it, it can be a valuable exercise). However you choose to do it, take the steps to get some closure before the year is out.Make a list of things you’re looking forward to in the new year
There’s no chance whatsoever that the coming of the new year will bring you nothing to look forward to. When your perception is clouded by a fog of unhappiness and pain it can be extremely difficult to muster anything like optimism but a useful exercise is to catalog the things that you’re looking forward to in 2019 however small and insignificant they may seem.The coming of spring, the release of a movie you’re looking forward to, the upcoming seasonal clothing lines, the birth of a friend or relative’s baby, you’ll find that there’s always something to look forward to… And if you can’t come up with any, it’s up to you to make some. Book yourself some vacation time off or arrange for a few days away with your friends. It’s always important to have something to look forward to.
Start laying the foundations for positive change
Who says your New Year’s Resolutions have to wait until the new year? There are plenty of ways in which you can start laying the foundation for positive change right now. You’d be amazed at the difference that eating better can have on your mental state. The same goes for regular exercise. Start going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. Start your day with a more leisurely morning instead of rushing out the door with a cold slice of toast in your hand.Start to implement positive changes now, and you’ll see the new year for what it is… A doorway to opportunity, excitement and hope!