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© Courtesy of Jeff Bogle Not so long ago I was scared to death of my kids growing up, but today, I’m a guy who adores being the dad of two a teenager and a tween. |
By Jeff Bogle, Good Housekeeping
I would be a liar, liar pants on fire if I said that I didn’t, at one point, believe that parenting only gets scarier as kids get older.
Today, I’m a guy who adores being the dad of two daughters, ages almost-15 and almost-12, but not so long ago I was terrified of what was up ahead on my fatherhood timeline. It’s totally natural and normal to be afraid of the unknown, but the unknown isn’t the scariest thing most new parents face. No, the most frightening thing is what is known to moms and dads of older kids, their crappy experiences, and the din of fear mongering they levy upon new parents. The “Oh, just wait until they start to ______!!!” stuff we hear about tweens and teens from the moment we announce that we’re expecting. It's unfair and almost morbid.
The truth is there's nothing to be afraid of. The real scariest thing would be letting fear inform how you parent and prevent you from being there for your older kids at exactly the moment when they need you most: when stuff gets confusing, when their hearts gets bruised and battered, when life gets hard, when they are striking out on their own.
Instead of more fearful anecdotes, here are some of the beautiful, hilarious, wonderful things to look forward to as your children grow up. Because growing up isn’t scary, man. It’s marvelous.
Today, I’m a guy who adores being the dad of two daughters, ages almost-15 and almost-12, but not so long ago I was terrified of what was up ahead on my fatherhood timeline. It’s totally natural and normal to be afraid of the unknown, but the unknown isn’t the scariest thing most new parents face. No, the most frightening thing is what is known to moms and dads of older kids, their crappy experiences, and the din of fear mongering they levy upon new parents. The “Oh, just wait until they start to ______!!!” stuff we hear about tweens and teens from the moment we announce that we’re expecting. It's unfair and almost morbid.
The truth is there's nothing to be afraid of. The real scariest thing would be letting fear inform how you parent and prevent you from being there for your older kids at exactly the moment when they need you most: when stuff gets confusing, when their hearts gets bruised and battered, when life gets hard, when they are striking out on their own.
Instead of more fearful anecdotes, here are some of the beautiful, hilarious, wonderful things to look forward to as your children grow up. Because growing up isn’t scary, man. It’s marvelous.
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© Jeff Bogle It really is fun, you guys. |
1. You get to sleep in again.
When your kiddo begins to master the pouring of cereal in the
morning, you get a crucial extra 15 minutes in bed. Sure, there’s likely
to be a little spilled milk to clean up, but you know by now that’s
nothing to cry over. The hardest part is realizing that this new morning
routine, just like when they start to pack their own school lunches,
means you won't be needed as much.
2. They stop needing constant reminders.
eventually start washing up, making their bed (sometimes), feeding the
cats, showering, and brushing teeth without being told to do so every.
Single. Day. Granted, this evolution might take 10, 12, or 15 years, but
the day will come and it will be glorious!
3. They find what they care about.
kids often yearn to give money to good causes, and that’s sweet. But at
that age, the money they are eager to give away is yours! As they get
older, it's their own skin in the philanthropic game - and they can
start donating their own time and sweat as well. Then, it's wonderful to
see their charitable side blossom with your wallet still firmly shut!
4. You can witness older kids forge their own identities, and demonstrate to them that, at every turn, you will have their back.
years ago, my oldest decided suddenly, while at the kitchen table
enjoying her favorite meal - my homemade orange chicken - that she
couldn’t eat animals anymore. While shocked, I didn’t treat her choice
as a youthful fad. Instead, I showed her respect and have happily spent
the last half-decade working hard in the kitchen to ensure both of my
kids (the youngest became vegetarian two years ago) grow up healthy and
get all the vitamins and minerals they need without a single ounce of
meat, fish, or poultry. As a bonus, and this is part and parcel of being
a parent, I have evolved too, becoming a more conscientious eater along
this journey my kids initiated.
6. You'll watch them fall in love for the first time.
the light in their eyes or the honey glow in their cheeks. Being there
to lend an ear, offer advice, and lean in with a warm comforting
shoulder to cry on when needed.
7. The day your kids go and do something like start a small business from their playroom.
spending years repeating affirmative messages like, “You can do
accomplish anything if you put your mind to it,” they finally go off and
do it! You help when they ask, but mostly you stand in
awe as what they started grows because of their passion, persistence,
and smarts.
8. You'll clock the moment you notice your older kids gain confidence from and find themselves.
it's through Broadway musicals or sketch comedy shows, but one day
you'll be listening as they deliver favorite lines of dialogue and jokes
in their own voices - voices that have grown by leaps and bounds in the
years since you swaddled them.
9. You get to take them to their first real concert.
to a burgeoning indie kid’s music scene, you can see seen hundreds of
stellar daytime concerts from the likes of The Not-Its!, Alphabet
Rockers, Recess Monkey, Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, The Okee Dokee Brothers,
Shine & the Moonbeams, The Pop Ups, and Gustafer Yellowgold
together with juice boxes in hand. Then, when your bouncy toddlers
become tweens and teens, stay up late with Alex Lahey, Gordi, Jukebox
the Ghost, Santigold, Maggie Rogers, and Stand Atlantic for ‘grown-up’
indie rock shows in small clubs and theaters. Watching them sing and
dance like no one is watching to their newest favorite bands might just
be my favorite part of parenting older kids.
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© Austen Hohendorf They look aloof, but they’ll still hug you. |
11. They start to learn how to find help themselves.
a kid who needs therapy can be terrifyingly scary, but watching that
same kid accept that they need the kind of emotional help mom or dad
cannot best provide is anything but frightening. When they attend their
sessions (kicking and screaming at first, to be honest), then slowly
grow and change for the better, it's a joyous surprise no one tells you
about in those early years.
12. You can bring your tweens and teens on board to help you do your work, and watch them do it better than you.
11-year-old recently accompanied me on a portrait photo shoot, and many
of her shots not only made it into the final portfolio, some of hers
were the finest captures from the day. The intense pride felt in these
moments is one of the things that makes growing up anything but scary.
13. They're finally old enough to watch your all-time favorite movies.
I’m talking about the real movies you loved from your pre-parenthood
days, the films with lots of cursing, inappropriate jokes, sex, nudity,
and gore. Sure, it was cute to give your kids Mr. Rogers and Winnie the
Pooh, but life gets so much better when you start to give your older
kids Airplane!, Shaun of the Dead, and The Hangover.
14. They make a difference in their world.
your kid turns 18, and you'll both make the transition from having them
hold your hand inside the voting booth to reminding them to stop off at
their local polling place on the way to work or home from school so
they can cast their first vote for the candidates they believe will make
their community, city, state, and country better.