What to do when your friends want to drink but you don't

You’ve Given Up Alcohol, But Your Friends Want To Go To The Pub…

Have you decided to give up alcohol for good? Perhaps you are in recovery? Maybe you simply want to stop drinking for the health benefits? Perhaps you are trying to lose weight? No matter what applies, there is no denying that giving up alcohol can be difficult, especially when your friends want to go to the pub to hang out. With that being said, continue reading to find out what you should do in this situation...

If you are going to quit drinking alcohol, you have to include dealing with trips to the pub, or other social events, if you are going to be successful. Once your circle of friends and family are aware of your decision and are supporting you it will get easier, but how do you deal with those first few trips out?

So, you walk into the pub and before you even get to the bar someone hands you a pint of alcohol. The question is how do you handle this quite delicate situation? You don’t want to offend your friend, but you are also not prepared to sacrifice your quit drinking plan just to make them happy. The answer is to be prepared for this eventuality and to practise your response until it is second nature. It’s a good idea to thank the person for the thought, but then move straight into explaining that you have made a commitment to quitting for a set period of time in order to reach whatever goal you have set for yourself. You can follow this with a quick apology that they obviously hadn’t been kept in the loop, and explain that someone else can have the beer, while you get whatever alternative it is you have chosen. No one is saying that this will be easy, especially the first time. This is why preparation is key to how to stop drinking. But the more prepared you are and the more you practise beforehand, the easier it will get. For those who have suffered from alcohol addiction, a trip to the pub is probably best avoided altogether. Companies like Silvermist Recovery can assist with this, helping you to make sober friendships so you don’t need to be in these situations.

Some more tips on giving up alcohol and sticking to it

The different ways to give up alcohol are to a large extent very individual. Just as no two people are the same, neither are their habits or the steps they need to take to break those habits. However, there are some good tips that will work for the majority of individuals, at least until they find the perfect way for them.

The first and most important thing to consider when deciding how to stop drinking is to get support. This might mean intervention from professionals for some, but for others, it just means finding like-minded individuals who will support your efforts and be there when things get tough. It could be as simple as joining an online group or forum where you can chat, either over the Internet or to meet up within the real world.

It is important to set a date to stop and prepare yourself for that date. Remove any alcohol from your home, preferably not by drinking it all the night before your giving up date. Along with a start date, you need to set a goal. This should be one that is easily achievable for you; you may need to start with 24hrs, a week, or a month, for instance. Whatever you decide, remember the goal is there for you to reach, don’t expect too much of yourself and set yourself up to fail. When you decide to give up alcohol, you might find that you have time on your hands; use this time to try a new hobby or pastime. This should ideally involve something that gets you out of the house as well and doesn’t revolve around the pub.

Hopefully, you now feel more prepared when it comes to giving up alcohol, especially when dealing with a trip to the pub with your friend. There is no denying that these situations can be difficult, but they will only get easier and easier.

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: What to do when your friends want to drink but you don't
What to do when your friends want to drink but you don't
It's not really difficult to give up your drinking habits. Here are some tips you can use when you have a friend who wants a drink but you don't.
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