Speed Clean Your Living Room…While Watching Scandal!

Simple tricks to keeping your living space clean while drinking an Olivia Pope-sized glass of wine.

By Caylin Harris, The Nest

It might be tempting to sit down on Thursday nights with an Olivia Pope-sized glass of wine, but why not use the time during commercial breaks to get some much needed organization and minor cleaning done in your living room.

Think about it, you're already sitting there, you've got roughly twenty minutes worth of commercials, so put your gladiator face on and get busy with this small list of things you can do to make a huge difference:

Take five minutes and clean off your coffee table:

  • Throw away any paper clutter, mail, and any magazines that are more than two months old. Chances are if you haven't read them by now you never will. Be strict with yourself.
  • Wipe down the entire surface with a little all-purpose cleaner on a cloth or paper towel, we love J.R.Watkins All-Purpose Cleaner. The scents are subtle and it's a gentle formula.
  • Reassess what is on your table—limit the amount of books or magazines. Keep it to three, and be sure the items on the table serve some sort of actual purpose and aren't just collecting dust. A tray is a great way to keep loose items organized.

Three minutes are all you'll need to wipe off your remote:

When was the last time you disinfected your remote? It's an often-neglected item but can accumulate major amounts of dirt and germs. Gently wipe it down with a disinfecting wipe and dry with a paper towel.

Grab your vacuum for five minutes and hit the high traffic areas:

Focus on those heavy hit areas and use your upholstery attachment to rid your chairs and couches of dust, pet hair, or accumulated crumbs.

Clean up your media cabinet for five minutes:

  • Use a glass cleaner and microfiber cloth to wipe down your TV screen.
  • Organize those DVDs, the discs can accumulate outside their cases and create clutter on top of your media cabinet. Note for when you have more time: if you want you can ditch the DVD cases and place all of the discs in a binder.

Use your remaining two minutes to pick up anything that's accumulated in your living room throughout the week—jackets, shoes, bags etc. and give any other surfaces a quick dusting.

While you weren't negotiating foreign affairs or handling a political scandal, you can still give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done!

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: Speed Clean Your Living Room…While Watching Scandal!
Speed Clean Your Living Room…While Watching Scandal!
Simple tricks to keeping your living space clean while drinking an Olivia Pope-sized glass of wine.
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