By Jennifer Noonan, Bob Vila
Gray Gravel

Gravel isn’t just for driveways. On the contrary, it's the basis for many walkway ideas popular among DIYers for their low cost and welcoming, informal look. Extremely versatile, gravel comes in myriad colors and sizes. Here, larger circular stones strike an elegant contrast with the dark gray gravel stones.
Stamped Concrete

Concrete has so much more to offer now than it did in the past. These days, it can be colored and textured to look like many other types of stone or paving materials. Need proof? This stamped concrete design boasts an undeniable warmth that traditional floated concrete simply can't match.
Bark Mulch

Bark mulch is a budget- and DIY-friendly material to keep in mind for no small number of appealing walkway ideas. This path skips extra decorations and details for a natural and unaffected look through a vibrant garden.

Pavers can really dress up a garden and are an excellent choice for more formal areas. Though pricey relative to other materials, pavers require less maintenance and upkeep than many other options that cost less.
Wood Slice

A walkway made of wood slices is delightfully earthy and rustic. Just lay your slices out on a bed of sand and let nature take its course.
Mosaic Pebble

Some of the most jaw-dropping walkway ideas involve either pricey materials, laborious professional installation, or both. A mosaic pebble walkway will impress anyone who walks on it, and while pebbles are reasonably priced, this type of path must be put in by a skilled artisan. Every one is a unique work of art.

Of all walkway ideas, the traditional bluestone path stands out for its timeless appearance and appeal. Many pattern and color choices exist (in fact, some bluestone isn't even blue).
Tumbled Glass

You can really let your walkway sparkle with tumbled-glass mulch. Yes, that’s right! This recycled material comes in a wide array of colors, is long lasting, and never fades. The production process produces glass that has virtually no sharp edges. Truly unique, you’ll surely be the only one on your block with anything like it.

The thyme growing between these stepping stones adds a heady fragrance to strolls along this lush, low-maintenance garden path.
Stenciled Concrete

If you already have a concrete walkway that’s in decent shape but feels a little boring, consider giving it a makeover with painted stencils. Whether you want to elicit whimsy or bring a bold graphic to the space, you can accomplish it with minimal time, effort, and money.
Pavers & Lava Rocks

Stock pavers are inexpensive and readily available at most hardware and home supply stores. But they’re not exactly exciting. Surround them in a cut-out bed with lava rocks though, and they really make a statement. The warm reds add depth and color to your home's exterior. Nice work!

Bamboo is one of the Earth’s most sustainable building materials, making it an eco-friendly choice appropriate for a range of walkway ideas. Here, laid in a weaving pattern, bamboo adds a tropical touch to this lush yard.