Never Stop Learning
We are always learning whether we like it or not. We gradually become a little bit wiser as we see and experience more situations, but the learning doesn't need to and shouldn't stop there. You need to make a conscious decision to invest in yourself and accrue more knowledge, and so when you have the time read, anything! From books to research papers to blogs. If there's a course about learning how to combat cyber threats at the University of Alabama Birmingham you've always wanted to do, do it! There is so much we don't know, and thus making an effort to learn more about the world can open up more doors and opportunities for us. Whether career-wise or for a more fulfilling life. Being educated undoubtedly makes us more confident and exciting individuals.You don't have to great to start, but you have to start to be great
--Zig Ziglar
Say Yes
Investing in yourself doesn't stop at education, it's also about making an effort to go against your inner fears and say yes to making your dreams come true, and opportunities that arise, even when they scare you. It's about pushing your comfort zone and believing in yourself. Fear is apparent in everyone's lives, and it's the number one thing that holds people back from becoming someone more significant than they are today. Don't let fear get in the way of you want to do, say yes when you feel uncertain, and take the plunge to stretch your current world and make it a bit greater than it was before. In doing so, you will become a more confident individual and willing to take on new challenges.Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.
-- Theodore Roosevelt
Break Away
To become a happier and more confident you, it's wise not to consistently chase milestones throughout your life without taking a time out. You should often take the time to break away and relax. Shut off the technology and spend time with your family. Do the things that inspire you, that make you feel energetic and effortlessly happy. It could be a walk in the park on a sunny afternoon or tackle your cross stitching hobby. Taking time away for you is investing in your wellbeing, which is vital for keeping you happy and confident so that you may take care of other areas of your life with ease.By continuously learning, standing up to your fears, and taking time to relax and reflect, you can live a life as an educated, content individual without regret over what you didn't dare to do. You only have one life to be the best version of you, so don't waste it, invest in yourself!
Noble and great. Courageous and determined. Faithful and fearless. That is who you are and who you have always been. And understanding it can change your life because this knowledge carries a confidence that cannot be duplicated any other way.
― Sheri L. Dew