As humans, we’re pretty rubbish at accepting change. We like what we like, and when someone comes along and tries to disrupt that, well we just can’t cope. Some of you might be really adaptable to every situation, but we still feel like there are some rapid changes that can happen in life, that will really throw you off guard. When something so rapid happens, it’s not like you have any time at all to try and process it, you just have to dive right in and deal with it. But if you’ve not been in the situation before, then diving right in and dealing with it is just not going to be easy for you. So, this is going to be the perfect article for you if you know you’re rubbish at dealing with things, but you can sense something coming. You know when you just think that life is too sweet at the minute, and something is definitely about to come and rock your boat? Well let’s prepare for it, with some of the most common life changes people go through, and how to prepare for it!