Creative Storage Ideas for the Garage, Basement and Attic

 Creative Storage Ideas for the Garage, Basement and Attic

By Anne Reagan 

Have an overflowing garage, attic, or basement? While removing junk and cleaning out these rooms will help, sometimes you just really need better storage solutions. Fortunately there are tons of hacks and ideas out there, from super inexpensive to completely custom. Let's take a look at some clever ways to get more storage space for these trouble spots in the home.

Tips for storing things in the garage, basement & attic

Sometimes the garage, basement and attic can feel like dirty, dark afterthoughts where objects go to die. All of these spaces have the potential to be too hot, too humid, unlit and potentially poor places to actually store things. Before keeping precious memories in these rooms, make sure you address some of the basics like adding safe lighting, waterproofing, adding ventilation and making the space safe enough for you to move inside. If you need to actually keep your car in the garage, you might be more motivated to have storage that prevents things from falling on your vehicle.

And make sure you look for any holes that pests have entered and look for signs of rodents or other animals. 

Best boxes for storage

It's important that you think about what you actually need to keep in these rooms. Most will find that sturdy, clear plastic boxes work perfectly for textiles, odd-shaped objects, paperwork, photographs as well as other things like paint supplies or tools. Even though the boxes are see-through, it's a great idea to label them clearly so that you don't have to pull them down and open them up to see what's inside. Sturdy boxes also stack well on top of one another, but be careful not to stack too many as it will make it difficult to pull them down. 

Easy storage racks

Rolling metal storage racks (with adjustable shelves) are an easy way to store boxes and other items. You can usually find them at hardware stores, Costco, or The Container Store. Putting them on wheels makes them easy to roll around and reorganize, it can also help for when these racks go in front of necessary (but seldom used) fixtures like plumbing or electrical. Additionally, storage racks allow you to keep your precious goods off of the floor, which is better for floods, water damage, pests and general dirt.

Hanging shelves

If you have room, you might find it easy to install inexpensive wire shelving (like this closet shelf) from the rafters or ceiling. This can help expand your overhead storage options and might just be the right size for luggage or sporting equipment. When storing objects over your head, make sure that the weight is both appropriate for the shelf as well as appropriate for pulling down over your head. This is usually not the best place for sharp objects or for things that roll around. 


Pegboard is inexpensive to buy at your local hardware store and can be the perfect spot for storage hooks. You can use pegboard to store tools, electrical cords, work gloves and gardening tools. It's also great for sporting equipment and seasonal decor.

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: Creative Storage Ideas for the Garage, Basement and Attic
Creative Storage Ideas for the Garage, Basement and Attic
Discover the best storage ideas for the garage, basement and attic to organize everything with creativity.
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