5 Things That Do Not Belong in Grownup Rooms

So you’re in your 30s and your house still feels like it belongs to a college student. Many of us have been there.  When you’re in school, or just starting in the workforce it can be tough to afford furniture and décor, so most of us tend to fill our spaces with hand me downs and random fun things we can find for cheap. And that’s great when you’re young, but as we grow up the things that were fun and cute a few years ago start to look kitschy and immature. If you want your home to look like it belongs to a grownup it’s time to eliminate these 5 items.

Stuffed Animals

We know, your precious stuffie has been with you since childhood, or your high school sweetheart won it for you at a carnival when you were 16. We know it makes you happy and you don’t want to part with it. But if you want your house to look like it belongs to an adult the stuffies have to go. The best way to part with them without feeling bad? Give them to another child who will enjoy them and love them as much as you did.
It’s tough, but no one said growing up was easy.


Nothing says “a student lives here” like a futon. Yes they’re practical for places where you need furniture to do double duty, but as a general rule they’re not the most comfortable or stylish. Futons tend to have a cheap look about them that can be hard to mask. Once you’re in your 30s it’s time to upgrade to something a little more grownup. There are a lot of great solutions if you live in a studio apartment so toss the futon and up the style ante. Your home will thank you for it.

Strings of Lights Indoors

White twinkle lights are lovely outside at any time of year, or inside around the holidays, but inside all year round? Not so much. Sure occasionally you’ll see a room where twinkle lights are used in a unique or stylish way, but generally speaking strings of lights inside look very “college student”. Fun when you’re young, but immature once you get older. Save them for outside where they’ll look their best.

Unframed Movie Posters

Some movie posters are really fantastic works of art, and they can be great collectors items, but if you’re going to hang them in your home please make sure to have them framed. Unframed movie posters with the edges curling up look cheap and messy and don’t do your room any favors. Custom framing is an option (albeit an expensive one), or you can pick up some simple frames at a big box store. When it comes to movie posters simple frames are generally best as they don’t detract from the image.

Empty Wine Bottles as Candle Holders

Entertaining by candlelight is always lovely. The light is flattering for everyone and it creates a great atmosphere, but if you’re going to do it, do it right – invest in some nice candleholders. They don’t have to be expensive, but they should be actual candle holders. Empty wine bottles do not count. Sure, taper candles fit perfectly in them, but don’t kid yourself, they look cheap and messy.  Return the wine bottle, collect the 10 cents, and start a collection for some real candle holders.


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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: 5 Things That Do Not Belong in Grownup Rooms
5 Things That Do Not Belong in Grownup Rooms
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