In the paint: Inside the hidden world of paint technology

In every room, in every building, and every place you turn, there’s a feature that surrounds us, but we often take for granted: the paint.  That’s why it might surprise you to learn that Sherwin-Williams® has been making tremendous strides in paint technology, advancing the utility and functionality of paint in new, interesting, and beneficial ways. Their new forays into paint tech are about to change your life—here’s how. 

Paint Shield®: Bacteria* Killing Paint 

Sherwin-Williams Paint Shield® Microbicidal Paint kills up to 99.9 percent of certain strains of bacteria, like Staph (Staphococcus aeureas) and E. coli within 2 hours of exposure on a painted surface. Painted surfaces with Paint Shield® Microbicidal Paint will continue to kill 90% of these bacteria for up to four years as long as the integrity of the paint finish is maintained. Great for kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms, Paint Shield® Microbicidal Paint is currently available in more than 3,600 stores and 550 different colors. 

*Kills greater than 99.9% of Staph (Staphylococcus aureus), MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), E. coli (Escherichia coli), VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis) and Enterobacter aerogenes within 2 hours of exposure on painted surfaces.Learn more about Paint Shield® Microbicidal Paint at;   

SuperDeck®: Protect Your Deck and Keep it Cooler with IR Reflective Technology

SuperDeck® is a comprehensive line of Sherwin-Williams stains. One of the products, SuperDeck IR Reflective Exterior Stain, can be a game changer when you are walking barefoot on your deck in the hot sun. The sun can heat the deck to temperatures that make you feel like you are stepping on hot coals. SuperDeck® IR reflective technology contains pigments that actually reflect the solar rays back into the atmosphere reducing the exterior surface temperature of the deck. This waterborne product is available in both a semi-solid and solid color stain. 

Emerald®: A Washable, Truly Flat Finish

Conventional wisdom says that you can’t get both a flat finish and a washable paint. But Sherwin-Williams Emerald® interior paint is heralded as the first truly flat finish that’s also truly washable. Fingerprints, food and other stains wipe off easily on walls painted with Emerald®. Emerald® paint has anti-microbial agents that inhibit the growth of mold and mildew on the surface of the paint film.  If you’re looking for a flat, matte, satin, or semi-gloss, you’ll get the same great performance from Emerald® regardless of the finish you select. It’s ideal for high-traffic areas and showcase rooms. When you want an exceptional paint, you want Emerald®. 

Harmony: Improve Air Quality and Reduce Odors** 

Common odors like onions, smoke and kitty litter can make your home less than welcoming. Harmony paint has odor eliminating technology that actually reduces common indoor odors. It also improves indoor air quality by reducing VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) levels from sources like carpet, cabinets and fabric with its Formaldehyde Reducing Technology. The length of time Harmony actively reduces odors and formaldehyde depends on the concentration, the frequency of exposure and the amount of painted surface area.  The paint also features anti-microbial properties that inhibit the growth of mold and mildew on the paint film. For improved air quality, Harmony with odor eliminating and formaldehyde reducing technology is a great choice. 

These are just some of the ways Sherwin-Williams is pushing the limits of what paint can do. It’s no longer about simply updating the color, or protecting the finish of the wall—paint is becoming more beneficial to our lives, and it’s only bound to grow more sophisticated from here. 

**The length of time Harmony actively reduces odors and formaldehyde depends on the concentration, the frequency of exposure and the amount of painted surface area.  


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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: In the paint: Inside the hidden world of paint technology
In the paint: Inside the hidden world of paint technology
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