Kaia Gerber Reveals the Best Beauty Advice From Mom Cindy Crawford

By Devon Abelman, Allure

At 15 years old, Kaia Gerber already has a lofty resume. Not only is the daughter of Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber signed to IMG Models, she's also appeared in the Lifetime movie called Sister Cities and has 1.3 million Instagram followers — and counting. The latest addition to her growing list of gigs that we could have only dreamed of at her age? Gerber's the new face of Marc Jacobs Daisy
[post_ads]The perfume is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year with a limited-edition all-white bottle. Before she celebrated her brand-new campaign at a party in LA, we chatted on the phone with the model about her newest job and what she has in common with her supermodel mama.

How excited were you to be named the face of the new Daisy campaign?

"I was so excited. I didn't want to jinx it. I was so scared that everything that I did was going to make it, like, not true. I was just kind of playing it really carefully, then finally seeing the images [from the campaign] made everything feel like a dream come true."

Where were you when you found out the big news?

"I had just gotten home from school when I found out, and my mom told me that [Marc Jacobs Fragrances] were interested. I was like, 'Are you sure that got the right person?' Then when we booked the shoot — and even during the shoot — I was like, 'Is this actually happening?' I thought I was going to wake up."

Did you wear Daisy before?

"I mean, it's its 10-year anniversary, so when it came out, I was 5 years old. I've always seen Daisy and always worn it, so it was something I was really familiar with."

Daisy is a pretty good starter perfume, right?

"Yes! It's so girly, and it's so cute. Every young girl should wear it."

Do you remember the first perfume you ever wore?

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"I mean, it must have been something I stole from my mom. She always wore more floral scents. That's why I love wearing Daisy [now]. It reminds me of her and how she smelled growing up. The first perfume I remember actually having myself is Daisy. I used to love scents that were way too sweet, though. That's why I like Daisy, because it's sweet but it also has more of an edgy undertone, so it's not so sugary."

Do you have any exciting plans with your mom for Mother's Day?

"We're actually spending the day together. We're doing an event. Both of my parents's moms are coming out, so I'll have my grandmas there. It will kind of be a family affair. I don't know what I'm going to get my mom yet, though. I have to think about it."

What do you have most in common with your mom?
"My mom and I have the exact same mannerisms — the way we talk and the gestures that we made. We both use our hands a lot to talk. Sometimes, I'll say something, and people will be like, 'I just thought you were your mom.' Although we do look alike, it just the way that we act is alike, and we just picked up on each other's habits."

What about you is least like your mom?

"I think I'm a bit more of a rule-breaker than my mom. She's very sweet and very worried. She was valedictorian. I think I got a little bit of an edgier side from my dad. I'm inspired by other people, but I don't really try to look like a certain person or anything. I kind of just do what I feel like doing. I think that shows in my makeup because some times I'll have a bold eye and other times, I'll be wearing no makeup. I think that's the fun part about it."

What's your favorite activity to do with your mom?

"We love getting scrubs together. We'll both be stressed or our have a long week or something, then we go to natural hot springs, and we'll get scrubs and have a girly spa day together."

What's the best advice you've ever gotten from your mom?
"She's taught me about natural beauty and how less is more. She's a very simple person. She's not over the top at all, and she's not extra in any way. I've learned to be a normal person from her. I think she's stayed super down to earth, so she can really talk to anyone. That's why I love being around her."

Have you picked up any poses from her?

"She has this eye thing that she does. It's a very certain squinty eye thing, and I can do it perfectly because I've mastered it. I think that's her signature thing, and I've learned how to copy it."

Convinced you need the new limited-edition Marc Jacobs Daisy fragrance in your life now? You can head over to and shop it for $100.

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: Kaia Gerber Reveals the Best Beauty Advice From Mom Cindy Crawford
Kaia Gerber Reveals the Best Beauty Advice From Mom Cindy Crawford
Kaia Gerber tells Allure all about the poses she's picked up from her mom and what her first perfume she ever used was.
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