By Avery Matera, Allure
In the days following the horrific Manchester, England, bombing, individuals and groups alike are showing their support for the victims and their loved ones. #RoomForManchester became a trending topic on Twitter, offering shelter for those who needed it; taxi drivers headed to the scene of the crime to offer concertgoers free transportation away from the dangerous area; and hotels opened their doors to provide refuge. And that’s to name only a few.
[post_ads]This weekend, the city will unite as a swarm of bees, using tattoo art to band together. In an announcement posted on social media, the Tattoo Artists of Manchester will use their skill to ink a bee on whoever would like to participate — for £50 each. All proceeds will be donated to the families and victims of the terror attack.First launched by artist Sam Barber on Tuesday, others interested were invited to participate and repost the announcement with their own locations and hours. The event exists in full on Facebook, where you can find all the information about specific participants, locations, and hours that you will be able to have a bee tattooed in solidarity.
Why a bee, you ask? The Guardian reports that the “worker bee” was introduced to Manchester’s culture in 1842, when a swarm was incorporated into the city's new coat of arms. At the time, the workers in Manchester's cotton mills found representation in the assiduous insects. It now stands as a symbol of solidarity for the city, which is needed now more than ever.
If tattoos aren't for you, however, you can still show your solidarity by contacting the organization via its Facebook page and making a separate monetary donation.
You can see some of the new Manchester-inspired tattoos on Instagram, using the hashtag #manchestertattooappeal.
[post_ads]This weekend, the city will unite as a swarm of bees, using tattoo art to band together. In an announcement posted on social media, the Tattoo Artists of Manchester will use their skill to ink a bee on whoever would like to participate — for £50 each. All proceeds will be donated to the families and victims of the terror attack.First launched by artist Sam Barber on Tuesday, others interested were invited to participate and repost the announcement with their own locations and hours. The event exists in full on Facebook, where you can find all the information about specific participants, locations, and hours that you will be able to have a bee tattooed in solidarity.
If tattoos aren't for you, however, you can still show your solidarity by contacting the organization via its Facebook page and making a separate monetary donation.