Today’s children are far more likely to spend their time in front of a television while watching aggressive movies filled with violence or inane video games that may diminish their intelligence. Back in the olden days, though, kids somehow managed to explore their adventurous side by playing outdoors and inventing brand new games for all of the neighborhood children to have fun. However, parents and even schools have begun to ban some of these games, and local governments are tossing their opinions in. Here are 5 children’s games that were shockingly banned.
5. Duck, Duck, Goose
5. Duck, Duck, Goose

A couple of years back, an online petition came forward asking everyone to ban the game of Duck, Duck, Goose from schools, as it was said to be highly dangerous to children who were trying to cross the playground in the middle of a game.
4. Red Rover
4. Red Rover

Red Rover was once a popular outdoors game at children’s summer camps, but it has been labeled as a “contact sport.” Petitions to have it removed have come about, as reports claim over 3.5 million kids are hurt while playing contact sports.
3. Slip ‘n Slide
3. Slip ‘n Slide

A Slip ‘n Slide is a sometimes fun, albeit somewhat obnoxious, game for the warm summer months. 50 people were killed between 1977 and 1997, according to reports. Some states have since banned their sale or use.
2. Snowball Fighting
2. Snowball Fighting

Back in January of 2013, numerous towns in Belgium decided to fine anyone who was caught enacting a snowball fight in public. They have had police officers respond to the heinous crime.
1. Superhero Games
1. Superhero Games

In 2013, a preschool in Philadelphia sent a letter home with the children to their parents, saying any type of superhero game was now banned from their premise. It was said to be dangerously overactive for the kids.