Things sisters do to stay close now & forever

Things sisters do to stay close now & forever

By Goldin Ethan, Monagiza

Let’s be honest; we’d be completely lost without our sister. Sure, she’s quite possibly the most irritating person on this planet – but that’s what they’re designed to be, right? Right? Despite this, you often feel incomplete when she’s not around, and you kinda feel like there’s a part of you missing. Yep, when times get rough, she’s the person you can turn to, and she’s also the person you can complain to if you’re feeling a little hangry. She’s great. If you are BFF’s with your sister, you’ll probably recognize these things that sisters do to stay close now and forever (and ever, and ever).

Your two-minute conversation lasts an hour (or three)

Sometimes you just really need to hear your sisters voice, and sending a voice note or looking over old videos just won’t cut it. Yuh-huh, you literally just want to hear them say ‘hi’ and ‘bye,’ and then you’ll be sorted. However, it never works out that way. Every time you try to have a two-minute conversation with your sister, it eventually lasts an hour (or three). After all, you have to update her on every second of your life.

You’ll randomly take a road trip

Things sisters do to stay close now & forever

ROOOOOOAD TRIPPPPPP! Is there anything better than loading the car with all kinds of snacks, sticking on the soundtrack to High School Musical, and driving where the wind takes you? We think not? Going on random road trips with your sister is like a road trip. No matter where you go, you will always have tons of laughs, tons of food, tons of chat, and a ton of sisterly bonding time. Awww.

You have someone to approve your Instagram snaps

Things sisters do to stay close now & forever

When you’re just so beautiful like us (*hair whip) you just can’t deal with all of the epic selfies that you can take – and you actually get so lost in your own eyes that you can’t tell which one of your 26 potential selfies you should upload to Instagram. Luckily, there is always someone on hand to make that decision for you. Not only will your sister let you know if you look a little worse for wear, but she’ll also praise your face if you’ve taken ‘the one.’

Send each other hideous photos

As well as sending your sister the best snaps which will eventually rack up hundreds of likes (yeah, we wish), you can also send your sister some of the most hideous photos of yourself – because she’s your sister, so she kinda has to love you. No matter what your face looks like with funny filters on it. Of course, she is the only person you would ever send these snaps to because if those pictures got in the wrong hands, there would be no going back. The internet is forever, you know.

She can approve your outfit choices

Things sisters do to stay close now & forever

Sure, she’s your sister, but she’s also your personal shopper and stylist – and she’s pretty darn committed to her job. Indeed, if you’re not sure on whether you’re hot to trot or if you’re just trot, you can simply send a photo to your sister or drag her shopping to get the lowdown on whether she likes your outfit or whether you should just leave it on the rack. You need that kind of support in your life.

You can get super nostalgic together

Things sisters do to stay close now & forever

Apart from your parents, your sister is the only person in your life who has been there for every single moment of your life – and that’s something real special. Because of this, you need to make the time to sit down, grab a glass of something fizzy, and get super nostalgic together. If you want, you can even have a little cry together!

If your sister is your best friend, you should count yourself lucky, sistah – and you should also count how many times you do these things that help you and your sister stay close now and forever.

See more at: Monagiza
Things sisters do to stay close now & forever

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: Things sisters do to stay close now & forever
Things sisters do to stay close now & forever
Let’s be honest; we’d be completely lost without our sister. Sure, she’s quite possibly the most irritating person on this planet – but that’s what they’re designed to be, right? Right? Despite this, you often feel incomplete when she’s not around, and you kinda feel like there’s a part of you missing. Yep, when times …
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