Ways to Save Money on Cleaning Supplies

Dish soap can be used for more

© Alex Potemkin/E+ via Getty Images

Dish soap can be used for more than washing dishes. There are many places in your home that can be cleaned by just using mild dish soap and water. Dish soap can be used to clean laundry stains, windows, carpet stains and other things in your home.

Make a DIY bleach solution

© Cassiohabib/Shutterstock

You can make your own DIY bleach solution that will clean and disinfect most areas and surfaces of your home rather than buying more expensive disinfecting products. To make the solution, mix 5 tablespoons of bleach per gallon of water. You can also do 4 teaspoons of bleach per quart of water if you would like a smaller amount. Pour the bleach into the container first and then add water. Place a lid tightly over your container and shake gently.

Use reusable cloths and mops

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Disposable items can be useful in some cases, but over a period of time, they can really eat up a household budget. Instead, pick cleaning products that can be reused again and again so you are not going back to the store to pick up disinfecting wipes, paper towels and other cleaning supplies.

Use store brand

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
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Many people are drawn in by the name-brand products they see on commercials. Take a minute to compare the store brand with the name-brand ingredients, and you might discover you have been spending more money than you needed too just for a name. Some of the best grocery stores in America have store brands that are great.

Maintain daily cleaning

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
© Michael Flippo |

Doing daily home maintenance will reduce the need for tougher and more expensive cleansers to clean your home. Clean spills, stains and other dirty areas as soon as you notice them. By doing this daily, you’ll find much less of a need for special cleaners and expensive solutions.

Use vinegar

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
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Vinegar is an ingredient that can be used to clean many surfaces in your home, including the dishwasher, shower, glass, stainless steel and many other surfaces in your home where you might typically use another cleaner. It can also be used to make a disinfectant; if you mix vinegar, hot water and borax, it can be used to battle bacteria. Using vinegar is a great natural cleaning tip for your home.

Pair coupons with sales

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
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This might be obvious but spending less money on products will save you money. Use coupons and buy items that are on sale instead of spending full price on cleaning supplies. Try using your coupons at the best grocery store in your state.

Use foaming hand soap

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
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If it seems like the hand soap is always running out every time you go to the restroom, you might want to consider using foaming hand soap. Foaming hand soap is already pre-lathered, and as a result, people in your house will end up using less, which saves money on you having to go back and buy more hand soap. Hand soap is just one of the things you should never pay full price for.

Buy in bulk

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
© RapidEye/E+ via Getty Images

If you have the space in your home, buy cleaning products in bulk. It can save you a lot of money over time and will keep you from going back and forth to the store. Paper products are a safe option to buy in bulk because they won't expire before you have a chance to use them.

Store supplies properly

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
© Laura Bergeron/Shutterstock

Storing your cleaning supplies properly is an underrated part of saving money. Making sure your products do not spill or mix or are exposed to extremes in temperature or light will help you maximize the use of all of your cleaning products.

Control clutter

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
© Justin Paget/DigitalVision via Getty Images

Removing unwanted and unnecessary items from your home means you have less to clean. Getting rid of items that aren't needed will cut your cleaning time and expenses drastically. If you find that your kitchen is full of clutter, here are tips on how to organize your kitchen.

Make your own dryer sheets

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
© Nathan Antonino/Shutterstock

Instead of spending money on dryer sheets to make your laundry smell good, you can make your own reusable dryer sheets. Start by placing cut-up fabric squares in a container with a tight seal. Pour 1 cup of vinegar and, if you want, 8-10 drops of your favorite essential oil over the fabric squares, then seal and shake. You can add a few squares to every dryer load.

Use lemon juice

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
© Olesya1041sh |

Lemon juice can save you money on buying window cleaner. It can also clean mold, mildew and rust in different parts of your home. A mixture of warm water and lemon juice can be used as a cleaner for windows and glass. There are also plenty of other things you can make with lemons.

Use baking soda

Ways to save money on cleaning supplies
© Itor |

Baking soda can be used in plenty of baking recipes as well as a cleaning solution for places in your home you are cleaning wrong. It can be used to clean your oven, pans and plastic cups — or you can make your own all-purpose cleaner. If you’re cleaning your oven, first make a paste of baking soda and water. Slather the mixture over grime and gunk and let sit for 30 to 45 minutes. Then scrub with a scouring pad. For dirt that won’t give, trade in your scouring pad for a bread knife. Owners of self-cleaning ovens, check your manufacturer’s booklet before using this hack. If scrubbing down your oven or deep-cleaning your home isn’t enough of a workout, there are plenty of other ways to make an at-home exercise routine.

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Lifestyle | Life Hacks, Gardening, Parenting, Legal Advice, and More: Ways to Save Money on Cleaning Supplies
Ways to Save Money on Cleaning Supplies
Dish soap can be used in many places in your home that can be cleaned. There are other ways to keep your house clean without breaking the bank.
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